Let Us Help You Spread Awareness About Epilepsy
Robert has spoken to people living with Epilepsy, their family and friends; he has also spoken at hospitals, corporations, universities, public and private schools, and to medical students. If you, your company, your staff, your hospital, school or college would like have Robert speak on the subject of Living With Epilepsy, please call and set an appointment: (203) 874-8731
Click here to download our complete brochure
(203) 874-8731
Connecticut Epilepsy Advocate Foundation
20 Salem Walk
Milford, CT 06460-7132
There are Medic Alert bracelets and wrist chains that can tell an EMT, doctor or even a stranger you have Epilepsy. We have even designed what we call an I.C.E. Sheet (In Case of Emergency). These items can be extremely helpful. Trust me, I know from experience that when you have a seizure, you probably cannot speak, and so those around you will not know what is happening.
Those are just a few of the many things you will find addressed on this website, and by this organization.
The Connecticut Epilepsy Advocate Foundation was founded on November 11, 2009. We encourage you to view the contents, and if you, your family or anyone you know is living with Epilepsy, we know you will find this to be a valuable resource.
Why not join us at our Support Group
Self Expression:
There is a singing and comedy team called The Gaylords comprised of Ron Gaylord and Burt Holiday. Like them my heritage is Italian which we are very proud of. Burt has said: Ronnie, he was a genius.
Ronnie and Burt were on a flight in 1991 and with the knack that Ronnie had he composed a song, it is a beautiful song titled Proverbs and here is one line from Proverbs: "Youth is like rose, it blooms a while and then, it withers and it dies and it won't return again."
The definition of my family name Fiore is Flower. Even though I am not a rose, I have bloomed and yes someday I will die but before doing so I want to perform the literary definition of bloom: Health, Energy and Attractiveness. I want to take my improved Health and use the Energy from that to Attract others so we can raise Awareness about Epilepsy.
Robert A. Fiore,
Connecticut Epilepsy Advocate Foundation

The Connecticut Epilepsy Advocate Foundation was formed as an alternative organization to make more people "Aware About Epilepsy".
As conventional as we may appear, we try to be a little different from other organizations. We have set as our goal, helping people living with Epilepsy in any way we can. Many things seen on our website may seem conventional, and might even be taken for granted. However, to the many living with Epilepsy, those same things are unconventional. How so, you ask? Well, many (but not all) people living with Epilepsy cannot work, they cannot drive and they do not know about public transportation available to them. Many cannot afford to pay for their medication. They even have trouble finding a neurologist.
— The Connecticut Epilepsy Advocate Foundation is a recognized 501 (c) (3) Nonprofit Organization. —